Airtel Mail POP3 and SMTP Settings-Configuring airtel Mail in Outlook 2007
Step 1:While installing the outlook 2007 application on your computer, the outlook 2007 startup window displays on the screen.
Step 2:Click the next button in the outlook 2007 startup window to begin the configuration process.
Step 3:Click the radio button beside the yes option.
Step 4:Click the next button in the e-mail accounts window.
Step 5:When the add new e-mail account window appears on the screen, select the checkbox beside the ‘manually configure the server settings or additional server types option and click the back button.
Step 6:Click the radio button next to the internet e-mail option.
Step 7:When you click the next button in the choose e-mail service window, the internet email settings window opens.
Step 8:The pop3 and smtp server settings for the airtel mail account are given below for your reference:
User information
Your name: Your full name
Email address: your
Server information
Account type: pop3
Incoming mail server:
Outgoing mail server (smtp):
Logon information
Password: Airtel mail account password
Step 9:If you want to save the password on the computer, select the checkbox next to the remember password option.
Step 10:Once you complete the server settings using the details mentioned above, click the more settings button in the internet email settings window.
Step 11:This will open the next window on the screen.
Step 12:Navigate to the advanced tab.
Step 13:Go to the server port numbers section and select the checkbox beside the ‘this server requires an encrypted connection (ssl)’ option.
Step 14:Type the port number as 995 in the incoming server (pop3) field.
Step 15:Fill the outgoing server (smtp) field with the correct port number.
Step 17:Select either the tls or ssl protocol from the ‘use the following type of encrypted connection’ drop-down menu. Note: Smtp port for ssl enabled - 465 ; smtp port for tls enabled - 587
Step 18:If required, navigate to the delivery section and select the checkbox next to the ‘leave a copy of the messages on the server’ option.
Step 19:Click the ok button and go to the outgoing server tab.
Step 20:Make sure to checkmark the box next to the ‘My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication’ option.
Step 21:Click the radio button beside the use of the same settings as my incoming mail server’ option.
Step 22:Once you are done with the configuration settings, click the ok button in the internet e-mail settings window.
Step 23:Click the finish button when you see the congratulations message on the screen.
Click here to learn more about WP Mail SMTP